Sonntag, 20. November 2011

God´s own country

The monotonous motorsound of the boat we are sitting on has found its way into the sunconciousness, allowing me to take in the impressive pictures of nature. Slowly but steadily we slide through the calm water of backwaters making our way up North from Allepey to Ernakulam. In this jungle of palm trees and water canals one is far away from the buzz of Indian cities. But the area is not unpopulated, quite the contrary. Signs of civilisation are everywhere. Workers busily transporting coconuts or cocunut fibre, people taking bathes and houses hidden in the lush green. Even one of the most famous ashrams of India is to be found here.
Our boat stops at a small dock. There are little stands offering chai, bananas and pastries. People here are not curious, they are used to the daily stream of forgeign visitors. Kerala must be one of the most beautiful places in India. No coincidence that it is now know as "God´s own country, as locals proudly call it.